Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday is the sixth and last Sunday of Lent and the beginning of the Holy Week. Palm branches have been used by all nations as an emblem of joy and victory over enemies; in Christianity as a sign of victory over the flesh and the world.
According to what scripture?
This day signifies Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem as recorded in Matthew 21.
You should read the story of how people laid their coats in the streets for our Savior.
Interesting Tidbits
Palm trees grew to a height of about 60 to 100 feet and had long, feathery leaves (branches, Neh. 8:15; John 12:13; Rev. 7:9). These branches were about 6 to 8 feet long and grew from the top of the trunk. It lives to be 100 to 200 years old and is also called the date palm.
The palm tree was of great significance in Biblical times. Many places in the Bible were identified by the abundance of palm trees (Deut. 34:3; Judg. 1:16).
Final Thoughts
Jesus' proud moment was His triumphant entry into Jerusalem. He knew why He was going to Jerusalem. Can't you hear the disciples as He rode on the donkey through the streets? This was their King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the great I AM, the Lily of the Valley, and the Bright and Morning Star... Jesus the Christ! But was it called Palm Sunday and did it occur on a Sunday? Ask Zion if you want the answer!
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Palm Sunday is the sixth and last Sunday of Lent and the beginning of the Holy Week. Palm branches have been used by all nations as an emblem of joy and victory over enemies; in Christianity as a sign of victory over the flesh and the world.
According to what scripture?
This day signifies Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem as recorded in Matthew 21.
You should read the story of how people laid their coats in the streets for our Savior.
Interesting Tidbits
Palm trees grew to a height of about 60 to 100 feet and had long, feathery leaves (branches, Neh. 8:15; John 12:13; Rev. 7:9). These branches were about 6 to 8 feet long and grew from the top of the trunk. It lives to be 100 to 200 years old and is also called the date palm.
The palm tree was of great significance in Biblical times. Many places in the Bible were identified by the abundance of palm trees (Deut. 34:3; Judg. 1:16).
Final Thoughts
Jesus' proud moment was His triumphant entry into Jerusalem. He knew why He was going to Jerusalem. Can't you hear the disciples as He rode on the donkey through the streets? This was their King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the great I AM, the Lily of the Valley, and the Bright and Morning Star... Jesus the Christ! But was it called Palm Sunday and did it occur on a Sunday? Ask Zion if you want the answer!
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