The CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ministry is dedicated to developing members who are full of sound doctrine; devoted to prayer and public worship; committed to church leadership; reflect a life of personal discipline, have a sensitivity in caring for family and church with holy boldness and faithfulness; making full proof of their ministry while enacting our Lord’s ‘Great Commission’ (Mark 15:15).
“And He said unto them. Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 15:15
In layman’s terms, this ministry uses teachers to nurture and equip our members for Christian living by building a firm foundation in Biblical principles.
The primary GOAL of this ministry is to provide Biblical education classes that supplement personal and family studies and weekly sermons and messages.
“And He said unto them. Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 15:15
In layman’s terms, this ministry uses teachers to nurture and equip our members for Christian living by building a firm foundation in Biblical principles.
The primary GOAL of this ministry is to provide Biblical education classes that supplement personal and family studies and weekly sermons and messages.